now + then + rings + profile + notes + design + summergrrl + host
the race
2009-07-12 6:35 p.m.

i did it!! 15K - 9.3 miles in 1 hour and 43 minutes. *phew*

i'm done running for awhile, but i'm really glad i set this goal and did it - i stuck to a 10 week training program to the letter and was able to complete the race without walking at all. i did throw up a little after but it wasn't too bad.

one of the good things that comes out of purging is that if you actually don't feel well you don't have to walk around all nauseated and sick. just a quick one-two with the fingers and you're right as rain.

so no more running but i'm still teaching and lifting so that's working out four days a week. on the days i don't work out i can fast.

my weight stayed the same through training because i could not keep up with all the running on such little food. but now that the race is over i can get back to normal, which is a huge relief....i've got 20 to drop. i want to get to my lowest ever.

starving + bleeding

- - 2010-09-06
- - 2010-08-22
- - 2010-07-29
- - 2010-07-21
- - 2010-05-23