now + then + rings + profile + notes + design + summergrrl + host
2009-05-16 8:52 p.m.

i think i may start eating meat again. i hate thinking about it, but in the two years i've been vegetarian i have ballooned. when i was at my skinniest i ate small bits of chicken and vegetables. now all i eat are carbs. i hate nuts, tofu and beans and those are pretty much your main veggie protein sources. and all those
"meat" substitutes are nothing but chemicals.

i hate that i'm willing to give up my ethics for my weight. but i am.

in other news - i ran a 5K today - my time was 32:12...not great but not awful. i'm training for a 15K in July - i think i may have lost my mind.

also, i had a woman in group threaten to stab me. that was fun.

starving + bleeding

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