now + then + rings + profile + notes + design + summergrrl + host
my true love
2008-05-18 6:25 p.m.

i was very, very naughty. i walked out of Lord & Taylor with these hot mammas:

i was only going to the mall to browse, i swear! *slaps hand* but i...could...not...resist. oh well, i haven't had new shoes in ages and i just looooove them. they make my legs look smokin', if i do say so myself. i'm about 7 feet tall in them, i'll have to make sure i don't crack my head on the ceiling...driving in them should be interesting (i have a stick).

my mom said i looked thinner this morning. i did a little dance in my head when she said that.

starving + bleeding

- - 2010-09-06
- - 2010-08-22
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- - 2010-07-21
- - 2010-05-23