now + then + rings + profile + notes + design + summergrrl + host
to tell the truth
2005-09-17 3:00 p.m.

things are still going well with t. although we are having a lot of of us will say something and the other totally takes it the wrong way...don't know why it's happening...also there is just silence when neither of us has anything to say. hmmm...he seemed moody this morning and i can't help but wonder if it's cause i told him that i took meds. he asked me if i took any medicines (just out of curiosity, i think) and i was honest with him. i know he was mulling it over but whenever i asked him what was up he said "nothing"

god i hate that word.

am feeling more fat than ever. but am in my smallest size. he just keeps feeding me and feeding me...i told him how big my breasts used to be and his eyes got really wide and he said "have a donut!" of course i didn't.

i think he caught a glimpse of my scars this morning too. he didn't say anything but i also changed the subject real damn fast.

i think he's catching on that his angel has plenty of demons.

starving + bleeding

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