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contemplating my single status
2005-01-26 2:01 p.m.

i want a little sugar in my bowl
i want a little sweetness down in my soul
i could stand some lovin, oh so bad
i feel so funny, i feel so sad...

n1na s1mone, people. look into her. the best.

*sigh* i go through phases. most of the time i don't even think about my single status. sometimes i'm glad that i'm single, i have such freedom and can be completely selfish in my own charming way. other times i do wish that i had someone. but i think a lot of that comes from the fact that i haven't had a serious significant other in...let's see...going on four years now. that makes me feel like there's something wrong with me (well, we KNOW there's something wrong with me, a lot of things actually but that's beside the point). what is it about me that has kept others from seeing me as a desireable partner? i do look normal from the outside. in those four years i've dated maybe three or four people, but they have always seen something that made them want to stop seeing me. i'm a pretty good actress...i keep my demons well hidden, so what can it be?

i think that when i want someone, it isn't so much that i want someone to share my life's more like i want validation, i want to know that i'm choosing to be alone as opposed to being rejected by the whole world.

feeling unwanted sucks.

and i date both, so you would think i would have double the suitors. huh.

god, four years. that sounds terrible. i'm on my way to becoming the neighborhood crazy spinster cat lady. the children will ring my doorbell and run away.


starving + bleeding

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