now + then + rings + profile + notes + design + summergrrl + host
1 always fee1 l1ke somebody's watch1ng me....
2005-01-30 11:53 a.m.

well i locked my diary again ("no shit luxe") because my counter is showing some weird referrers, like someone is linking me from a yah00 email message or something. weird referrers make me paranoid. so, if you're reading this you must remember the password from last time cause no one's asked me for it.

i dumped the couple that was chasing me. so sick of the drama. can't be bothered about any of it. i realized that they were a factor preventing me from being the kind of person i want to be. them and other factors too, of course, but i felt the strength to lose at least one unhealthy factor in my life - go me. they really were toxic to me...i enjoyed being with them but they were not good. both trying to sleep with me - individually and together, constantly getting me drunk and keeping me out all night, bombarding me with drunk calls and texts. now, if i were a stronger person i would be able to just say no and make them stop it and just be cool friends, but i'm not strong and am an all or nothing person so i have removed myself from their company. perhaps that makes me a bitch. well, that ain't nothing new.

saw $1,000,000 baby - soooooo good. but bring the tissues.

ok - off to do work. thank you for sticking with me.

eta - i have now been contacted about my p-word...yay. am feeling slightly more validated. :-) pathetic doesn't even begin to describe it...

starving + bleeding

- - 2010-09-06
- - 2010-08-22
- - 2010-07-29
- - 2010-07-21
- - 2010-05-23