now + then + rings + profile + notes + design + summergrrl + host
2009-12-14 9:34 p.m.

i have a friend that i've become kinda close with. we work together and have gotten to know each other pretty well. however, i am really getting annoyed with her because she's always copying me (ok, how highschool do i sound right now?!) She got her hair cut similar to mine, buys clothes similar to mine, if she hears i'm going for a manicure she invites herself along. i teach fitness classes at my gym (which she joined even though she had a membership somewhere else) and now she is bugging the owner to get her trained to teach too. i confided in her about some of my problems and a few days later she comes to me and says she has all the exact same problems! Seriously, she has an ED AND bipolar AND borderline AND self-inj AND alcoholism AND psychotic episodes. just like me.

it's driving me crazy! i'm feeling some serious boundary issues here - how to i get her to back off? she's very sensitive so i don't want her to feel like i don't care about her or don't want to be her friend, but geeeeez....i don't want to tell her anything anymore b/c then she'll just adopt it too.

i started my first trial this week - i am so fucking stressed.

starving + bleeding

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