now + then + rings + profile + notes + design + summergrrl + host
what she says
2007-05-31 6:50 p.m.

HA HA HA! look what you fucking did, you BITCH!! you just HAD to eat, didn't you?!?! you KNOW you're not allowed to eat at home yet you did it anyway!! Are you fucking RETARDED?!!? i guess you are. i guess you don't want to lose weight anymore...oh, you do, do you? TOO BAD BITCH! you fucked it up royally and you know what that means...

don't fucking whine to me, you weak ass slob!! get your ass in the bathroom. that's right, you fucked up so you know what comes next - get on your knees BITCH! let's see what you just ate - go on, shove your hand down your throat...don't be thinking you don't deserve this. like hell!! start puking like the nasty fat ass you are!! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN!!! i don't care if you feel like you're gonna pass out - AGAIN!!! AGAIN!!!

well there it all is. you proud of yourself? look at you, miss thang, on the floor drooling puke. you ain't a hotshot in here, that's for sure. see what happens when you disobey?!? there better not be a next time or this time will look like a goddamn picnic. fuck you for fucking it up.

get your ass up. i'm tired of looking at you.

starving + bleeding

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- - 2010-05-23