now + then + rings + profile + notes + design + summergrrl + host
oh canada
2005-08-07 4:22 p.m.

am home. *sigh* well, home being my parent's house. we went to canada on our yearly "family vacation." every year we go to niagara-on-the-lake. it's the quaintest little town. we see some theater and go to all the little shops...oh boy did i shop. no job, no income, no money, but i was flashing that plastic like a hooters girl.

i like canada. everyone i meet is so nice, the weather was beautiful, even the air felt clear and genteel. the last two nights i've slept better than i have the past month which was fanatastic. the entire concept of not taking four hours to fall asleep is just brilliant.

of course, going on vacay with the 'rents means three meals a day with them which is always stressful. i can get away with not eating breakfast b/c they know by now that i just DON'T eat breakfast...and i never came close to finishing lunch or dinner. i felt bad wasting food and money but if i ate all that i would have been so sick. as it was my stomach kind of revolted a little. and it's back to the gym tomorrow to work my ass off. i've got a new goal. ten more pounds by the end of the month.

before i left my MD upped my paxil - now i'm on 40mg a day. i also went back on klonopin, but it took some convincing on my part to get her to write me another prescription for it. i never filled the last one for it because i was trying to stop taking it. she seemed suspicious that i might be hoarding a controlled substance...whatever. i'm just glad i can sleep now.

starving + bleeding

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