now + then + rings + profile + notes + design + summergrrl + host
2005-07-17 9:57 p.m.

it's pouring rain out - the wind is blowing and it's late...

this is soooo wuther1ng he1ghts weather...

just out of curiousity i counted up the notes i've received since i started writing here about a year and a half ago - 179. some are just requests for passwords, birthday wishes, or thanks for notes left. a lot are from people who don't write anymore (miss you!!) but 179 times someone thought enough of me to take the time to leave me a note. 179. i love that number. i think it will be my new favorite.

i have 207 entries here - not counting the 50 or so i deleted in a fit of paranoia...i can't believe i'm still with all senses of the word. i can't believe i still update, still faithfully read my favorites, still alive through all the craziness.

i just want to take a minute and say to all those out there in the diaryland world who have been (or are still) with me at any part of this journey...


starving + bleeding

- - 2010-09-06
- - 2010-08-22
- - 2010-07-29
- - 2010-07-21
- - 2010-05-23