now + then + rings + profile + notes + design + summergrrl + host
VF rule.
2004-10-27 8:42 a.m.

*did you do too many dru-ugs?*
*i did too many dru-ugs!*
*did you do too many drugs too?*

v1olent femmes fucking rule

i'm having nightmares again. really really awful ones. they almost always involve me being back at my parents' house and strangers coming and killing those i love and trying to rape and kill me. i'm sure it means that i'm stressed or have some sort of anxiety about something (which, to be frank, fucking duh!) but of course the part of me that still thiks i have magical powers thinks what if it's a premonition? i'm due to go home over thanksgiving. i'll probably sleep even less then.

of course i have terrible insomnia as well. i always do when i'm starving. huh. how matter-of-fact of me to say it like that. when i'm starving. i guess i could say "restricting" but that's just sugar coating it, isn't it? like saying "ana" and "mia" for fucking ANOREXIA and BULIMIA. Use the right terms, people.

i was the child who insisted that i had to make a bowel movement, instead of saying "mommy, i have to do a number two!!!"

anyway. yes. i am starving. but i can't do anything about it. i couldn't eat if i wanted to. lucky for me i don't want to. i am perfectly content to nibble on crumbs until...well, i don't know until. until i'm perfect. how about that?

starving + bleeding

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